Technical Interview tips

  • English
    If you want to work internetionally you really need to speak good enough English.

  • Be prepared
    Make sure you know what the interview is for and what you need to know, do the research about the company and the role you are applying to.

  • Be honest
    Be honest about what you know and don’t know. It’s better to admit you don’t know something than to pretend you do. But if you still prefer to lie you better be good at it (Fake it till you make it 🤘).

  • Be curious and ask questions
    It’s okay to ask questions during the interview if you don’t understand something.

  • Be friendly and polite
    Smile and be friendly during the interview. This will make the interviewer feel comfortable and help you make a good impression.

  • Practice
    Practice your skills and knowledge so that you feel more comfortable during the interview.

  • Pay attention
    Listen carefully to the interviewer’s questions and make sure you understand them.

  • Use examples
    When answering a question, try to use real-life examples to help the interviewer understand your answer.

  • Take your time
    Don’t rush through the interview. Take your time and think carefully before answering.

  • Have fun
    Enjoy the interview and see it as an opportunity to learn and grow. don’t stress yourself, imagine you are doing yet another mock interview.